Cookie policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your device when you access certain websites (in this case, the website of the University of Barcelona). Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of the user or their device and, depending on the information they contain or how the computer is used, can be made serve to recognize the user.

What cookies are installed, for what purpose and for how long?

When you visit the website of the University of Barcelona and if you have given your consent, the following cookies will be installed:

Preferences cookies: allow you to remember information so that you can access the website with certain features that may differentiate your experience from that of other users.
Statistical cookies: allow you to analyze how you interact with the website.
Marketing cookies: Allow you to manage your advertising as effectively as possible by tailoring its content to your browsing habits in order to show you advertising that is relevant to you.
Preference cookies, statistics and marketing cookies can be kept installed on the device for a maximum period of 2 years. Some of these cookies are installed by third parties outside the University of Barcelona, ​​specifically by Google (including Youtube and Doubleclick), Oracle (Addthis), and Microsoft (Bing), belonging to companies located in the United States of America that are affiliated with the Privacy Shield, as well as by Facebook that sends the data to the Netherlands. At the end of the document, you can also find more detailed information about the cookies used on the UB website.

How do I set and disable cookies?

You can configure your browser to not allow cookies to be installed or to delete them every time you close them. This setting can be modified as follows:

If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer: Tools> Internet Options> Privacy
If you use Firefox: Tools> Options> Privacy
If you use Google Chrome: Chrome> Preferences> Privacy & Security
If you use Safari: Safari> Preferences> Privacy
We remind you that you can always use the Help section of the toolbar of most browsers to learn more about changing your browser settings. Many browsers have a built-in private browsing mode that, when the browser is closed, clears all information that may have been saved on the terminal during browsing (for example, cookies). Depending on the browser you are using, this navigation mode gets different names. For the most common browsers:

Internet Explorer: InPrivate Browsing
FireFox: private browsing
Google Chrome: Incognito browsing
Safari: Private browsing
To learn how to enable this browsing mode, we recommend that you go to the help section of your browser.
