

Events inorganic
1 of October, 2024

From electrically conductive MOFs to sustainable batteries

By Prof. Mircea Dincă, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Webpage).

Date and Venue: October 1st, 2024 at 12.00h – Aula Magna Enric Casassas (Faculties of Physics and Chemistry UB)

(Chaired by Prof. Guillem Aromí, IN²UB and Faculty of Chemistry)

Full information: IN2UB webpage


The emergence of electrically conductive metal-organic frameworks (c-MOFs) has been one of the most paradoxical developments in the field in the last few years. Indeed, how can one transport charges through a material that is mostly “empty” space? In this sense, MOFs made from layers of organic ligands connected by (typically) square-planar metal ions have shown particularly good electrical conductivity. However, a precise mechanism for charge transport is still the subject of debate, with various experimental and computational reports describing these materials as metals, semiconductors, or semimetals. This lecture will describe the latest efforts from our group to understand the intrinsic properties of 2D c-MOFs, especially as related to single-crystal electrical measurement studies, and will discuss in particular the unexpectedly large influence of out-of-plane transport. Time allowing, I will discuss unexpected results stemming from the behavior of these materials as 1D metals, and applications in energy storage and conversion.

Events inorganic
20 of September, 2024

Doctoral thesis defense by Ms. Ànnia Tubau Ribot

Next Friday 20 of September, will take place the defense of the Doctoral Thesis entitled: “Multiproperty materials: luminescent and/or magnetic coordination compounds containing f-block elements. Chirality”, presented by Ms. Ànnia Tubau Ribot.

Director: Prof. Ramón Vicente Castillo

Place and time: Aula Magna Enric Casassas a les 11:00 h.

See you there!



Organic Past Events
12 of April, 2024
Dia  12/04/2024
Hora  12:00
Aula  Aula Enric Casassas
Omar Botureira (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
Organic Past Events
5 of April, 2024
Dia  5/04/2024
Hora  12:00
Aula  Aula Enric Casassas
Conferència C–C and C–N Bond Formation Through 1- and 2-Electron Processes
Patrick J. Walsh (University of Pennsylvania)
Inorganica past events
20 of March, 2024
Seminari: “Hybrid 2D/CMOS microchips for memristive Applications”
Dia  20-03-2024
Hora  12:00
Aula  Sala Graus Eduard Fontserè
 Institut de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia UB
Informació Conferenciant: Mario Lanza, Ph.D. – IEEE Fellow.  Associate Professor of Materials Science & Engineering, Physical Sciences and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia.

Resum: Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) materials have outstanding physical, chemical and thermal properties that make them attractive for the fabrication of solid-state micro/nano-electronic devices and circuits. However, synthesizing high-quality 2D materials at the wafer scale is difficult, and integrating them in silicon microchips brings associated multiple challenges. Nevertheless, in the past few years substantial progress has been achieved and leading companies like TSMC, Intel and Samsung have started to work in this direction too. In this talk I will discuss how to integrate 2D materials in micro/nano-electronic devices, circuits, and microchips, giving a general overview of the global progress achieved in the field and presenting our last developments in hybrid 2D/CMOS applications. I will put special emphasis on devices and circuits for memristive technologies, including data storage, computation, encryption, and communication. I will also discuss the main technological challenges to face in the next years and provide some recommendations on how to solve them.


Organic Past Events
26 of January, 2024
Baixada del consum d’energia i aigua el 2023 a les facultats de Física i de Química

Les xifres del consum d’energia i agua a les facultats de Física i de Química de gener a desembre del 2023 han experimentat una davallada respecte a l’any 2022. Així, l’evolució del consum 2022-2023 suposa un descens en electricitat (–6,2 %), gas (–37,8 %) i aigua (–8,1 %). En conjunt s’ha evitat una despesa global de 182.188 €.

La infografia recull aquesta informació així com equivalències numèriques amb altres situacions de la vida actual.

«En som responsables!» és l’eslògan de la campanya d’estalvi energètic de la Universitat de Barcelona. És una qüestió prioritària de la política de la UB, que es va posar en marxa a principis de 2023 per part de l’Oficina de Seguretat, Salut i Medi Ambient (OSSMA). Més informació a
