Department of
Inorganic Chemistry


Inorganic News
11 of February, 2025
Ranking of leading female researchers

A total of 402 women researchers from the University of Barcelona, including several researchers from our Inorganic Chemistry Section, appear in the ranking published by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) on the 10,000 most outstanding female researchers in Spain.

Among the UB researchers are Rosa Lamuela, from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences, Licia Verde, from the Faculty of Physics, and Carme Junqué, from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Source: University of Barcelona,

Inorganic News
5 of February, 2025
Success of the Second Meeting of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry in Tarragona

From 5 to 7 February 2025, the Second Meeting of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry of the SCQ, RQIO 2025, was held in Tarragona, an event that brought together researchers and experts in the area with the aim of sharing advances and promoting scientific collaboration. The meeting had a wide participation of specialists from various institutions, including several members of our Inorganic Chemistry Section of the University of Barcelona (UB).

During the event, 5 plenary conferences, 28 oral communications, 27 flash presentations and 20 communications in poster format were presented, giving prominence to doctoral students and new researchers. Among the participants from the UB, presentations on new materials, the design of metal complexes with potential in sustainable chemistry stood out.

In addition to the scientific activities, the meeting offered spaces for the exchange of ideas and the generation of future collaborations between research groups.

In the attached photo, most of the meeting attendees and the event organizers, including the members of our Section who have been part of the organization of the event, Dr. Guillem Aromí and Leoní A. Barrios (LabMolDesign), as well as members of the research groups CATHOM, CIC, EE, MATCAT, LabMolDesign, LM2N, MagMol, Matheu Lab, MEC and SuNS.

We thank the organizers Montse Dieguez, María Biosca, Elisenda Mas (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), Mónica H. Pérez-Temprano, Arjan W. Kleij (ICIQ), the Scientific Committee and the Catalan Society of Chemistry (SCQ) and all the participants for the excellent welcome and we hope to continue actively participating in future editions of this key event for the chemical community.

Inorganic News
14 of October, 2024
Historical archive of the Inorganic Chemistry Section: 6th edition of the European Mediterranean Conference on Inorganic Chemistry (FIGIPS), held in Barcelona in 2001.

We invite all members of our Section to explore the historical archive of the FIGIPS conference, which took place in Barcelona in 2001. This event was organized by several of our active and former members, including Prof. Santiago Alvarez, who generously provided this impressive collection of images.

The album is available in the director’s office in both print and digital formats.

Inorganic News
30 of September, 2024
Acte de Jubilació dels nostres companys Amparo Caubet, Jaume Granell, Margarita Crespo i Ramón Vicente Castillo

El passat dilluns 30 de setembre va ser el darrer dia de feina dels nostres companys Amparo Caubet, Jaume Granell, Margarita Crespo i Ramón Vicente Castillo després de diverses dècades a la nostra Secció.

Us desitgem tot el millor en aquesta nova etapa i sempre sereu benvinguts, això és casa vostra!


Inorganic NewsOrganic News
13 of September, 2024

The European Innovation Council funds two UB projects to develop cutting-edge technologies

Two University of Barcelona projects have been selected by the European Innovation Council to develop cutting-edge technologies within the 2024 Pathfinder Open call. Marta Estrader and Josep Puigmartí Luis, researchers from the UB’s Faculty of Chemistry, lead two consortia to promote advances in the remote detection of aquatic pollution and cell alignment in tissue bioprinting, respectively.

Ramón y Cajal researcher at the Faculty of Chemistry Marta Estrader, a member of the UB’s Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IN2UB), coordinates the WATERsense project, funded with three million euros over four years. The aim is to “remotely detect the presence of pollutants in water at any time”, explains Estrader. “Therefore, we will develop magneto-optical nanosensors that will be able to encapsulate certain pollutants (from pesticides to products derived from the chemical and pharmaceutical industry) on the previously functionalized surface. These substances can be identified using vibrational Raman spectroscopy”, she adds.

The innovation of the WATERsense technology lies in the fact that “through a small device that will be installed in rivers, lakes or any point of water, it will be possible to quickly detect the presence of contamination, and the results will be sent immediately via the internet, which will reduce the overall cost compared to the methodology used today”, says Estrader.

Eventually, WATERsense will make it possible to carry out careful analyses of variations in water quality in relation to changes in socio-economic activity or in the demography of a certain place or region. The project involves researchers from the University of Vigo, the Austrian Institute of Technology, the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Hydrodynamics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Lightnovo.

More information:

Inorganic NewsOrganic News
15 of May, 2024
Welcome to the Department of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry!

Our website has a new look! We are pleased to show our activities in teaching and research in a new modern coat. Head over to the Section of Inorganic Chemistry to see the colorful chemistry of metals, or over to the Section of Organic Chemistry to see what kind of intriguing compounds can be created with a backbone based on carbon. Do you wonder how we can help in your training? Just visit the pages in which we inform about our Degree, Master, and PhD Studies. Do you want to know about our research? Have a look at our research pages and find out what each research group does. Interested in using any of our characterization / analysis techniques? Head over to the services page!

If you are looking to join us, do not hesitate to contact the department head, or one of our group leaders! Still not finding what you are looking for? Send us an email and we will try to answer your queries as soon as possible!


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